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What is PHP? What is PHP used for? Common Usage of PHP

By Ataul Karim Last Updated -- Wednesday, 2024-09-04
What is PHP used for?

The name PHP will come automatically when you are talking about website development or web application development. If you are a new web developer or would like to get an idea about this then I will try to help you to know the basics of PHP and what PHP used for? Lets' learn about PHP.

What is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, which is formally stood for Personal Home Pages. PHP is an object-oriented, open-source, and server-side scripting language. It is to develop static websites, dynamic websites, and web applications. To execute any PHP program, you need to install it on a localhost or web host. Only servers that have PHP installed can edit PHP scripts. To access the PHP script requires a web browser only. PHP file contains PHP tags and ends with .php extension. It is free to download and use. 

Why use PHP?

  • Open Source and Free
  • Almost all necessary documents and videos available
  • Large community support
  • Supported by almost all hosting servers
  • Easy Integration with HTML
  • Learning curve short compare to other languages
  • Built-in support
  • PHP is cross-platform
  • Runs efficiently on the backend or server-side
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to connect with Databases. MySQL is the most uses database for Php.Other Databases -
  1. Oracle
  2. Postgres
  3. MS SQL Server
  4. ODBC etc.

Examples of PHP’s popularity

PHP is the most popular backend or server-side scripting language. The best blogging system on the web, WordPress is made with Php. The most popular social network Facebook is also made with Php.



PHP Syntex

PHP file contains PHP tags . A PHP file can contain many more types of tags such as HTML and front-side script like Javascript.

PHP File Extensions

PHP file needs to save to identify on the server-side.

Some old extension

  • .phtml
  • .php3
  • .php4
  • .php5
  • .phps

But currently, The file must save with the “.php” extension.

Versions of PHP

The latest version is PHP 7 (7.4.12, Till November 2020). PHP 7 is much faster and has improved error handling. But the most popular PHP 5.6. PHP 5.3 also popular. 

Most Popular PHP Frameworks

  • Laravel
  • Codeigniter
  • Phalcon
  • CakePHP
  • Symfony
  • Zend
  • FuelPHP
  • YII
  • PHPixie
  • Slim

What will PHP do with it?

  • Dynamic page creation
  • Can create, delete, add, close, read, write, open, modify possible
  • Data encryption
  • Database edit
  • Cookies receive and send
  • User Access Control

What is Scripting Language?

Scripting or Scripting language is a programming language, a set of instructions that automates the execution of tasks and interprets at run time. 

The script language aims to enhance the performance and do the task sequentially for an application. HTML is used to perform client-side and server-side operations. Both client-side and server-side are embedded in the HTML page.

Difference between Scripting Language and Programming Language

Scripting Language

  • It is used for the routine task.
  • Without compiling execution possible
  • It is embedded in other software environments.

Programming Language

  • To develop any kind of web application, PHP is the best language for the server-side.
  • Before execution, compiled is mandatory.
  • No need to embedded with other software

What is PHP?

What is PHP used for? and Common Usage of PHP

According to W3Techs’ data, PHP is used by 78.9% of all websites worldwide. 

Common usage of PHP

  • CMS (Example: WordPress, Joomla)
  • Blogs (News365)
  • E-Commerce (Example: Prestashop, Magento, Opencart, etc.)
  • Social Sites (Example: Facebook, Digg)
  • Others (Example: Wikipedia, Yahoo)

Comparison between PHP and other Languages 



PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor.

  • Easy to Learn
  • Open-source 
  • Supported by almost all web Hosting
  • Easily integrate with HTML.
  • Extended possible with other languages
  • MySQL is Native and supported by other Databases.
  • Web services support built-in.



ASP stands for Active Server Pages.

  • Moderately difficult to learn 
  • ASP is not an open-source 
  • Needs a dedicated hosting server.
  • Complex integrates with HTML
  • Extended no possible with other languages
  • Needs third-party drivers to connect with Database
  • Web services use the .Net framework.



JSP stands for Java Server Pages.

  • Difficult than PHP
  • Open-source
  • Fairly supported by web hosting.
  • Complex integrates with HTML
  • Extend possible using Java classes and libraries
  • Needs third-party drivers to connect with Database
  • Web services use add on libraries. 



CFML stands for Cold Fusion Markup Language.

  • Difficult than PHP
  • It is available for commercial and open-source
  • Needs dedicated hosting server
  • Easily integrate with HTML
  • Extended possible with other languages
  • Native support available for the current version, but older versions use ODBC

Wrapping Up

PHP widely used scripting language for the server-side. Almost every kind of website use PHP. Advanced web application like management tools is CMS, eCommerce, Hospital, Pharmacy, HRMS, ERP, Inventory, LMS, Restaurant and Hotel Management, VMS, Blockchain, Chatbot, etc. made with PHP and PHP framework.

If you’re a beginner, then learn the basics of HTML, CSS, Javascript. The future of PHP does not end yet think about 78% market share. 

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