Restaurant management tips often deal with ways to streamline the everyday tasks of the café itself. Be that as it may, shouldn’t something be said about you—the supervisor—who manages those everyday activities? Would you be able to utilize a few hints to enable you to oversee better? Obviously, you could. We as a whole could.
Chipping away at yourself is as significant as, if not a higher priority than dealing with the tasks of the business. That is on the grounds that all that you do influences some part of the café—from the sustenance quality to the environment to the worker attitude.
So as opposed to searching for approaches to improve the business, we should search for approaches to improve ourselves and our administration style. On the off chance that we do that, everything around us will improve also. This article will consider 15 eatery administration tips that can get you on the way to administrative achievement.
Your positive attitude—or lack thereof—can dramatically affect the mood of the entire restaurant…customers included. A negative attitude on your part can trickle down through the employees and seep into your guests. This, in turn, colors their dining experience in a bad way. That’s a recipe for disaster.
Work on keeping a positive attitude at all times come what may. Of course, you’ll feel irritable and grouchy from time to time, but try to remember the passion that brought you to this job in the first place. That passion can fuel your positive attitude, which can make all aspects of the business better.
Transparency is an important aspect of restaurant management in the 21st century. Millennial employees, in particular, want to know what’s going on and what you’re doing in the restaurant. This stems from the younger generation’s need to feel connected and part of something larger.
If you can foster transparency with your employees, they will feel more a part of your team and be engaged and motivated to perform at the highest levels.
The restaurant business can be notoriously inconsistent. One day can differ from the next, which can differ from the next. This can wear away at employee efficiency because they have no idea what to expect from day to day. You provide the stability your employees need to perform at their best. Keep communication lines open and be consistent with your expectations. This will help employees stay grounded when everything else changes.
In order to perform at your best, it’s important to plan ahead. Anticipating needs and problems, and being proactive in the management of these issues, can go a long way toward keeping stress and chaos at bay.
Try making a list of things you need to do in the next few months. Then prioritize those items by importance and get to work. If “hire a new server to replace one that’s leaving” and “update inventory” are on there, those should go at the top of the list. If you get those done sooner rather than later, you’ll avoid the problems that come with being short-staffed and without important supplies.
The restaurant business may not seem like a prime place for innovation, but it actually is. Whether it’s simpler point-of-sale technology, adopting a farm-to-fork initiative, or revamping the accounting systems, these innovations can keep a restaurant successful.
For example, the emergence in recent years of employee scheduling software like Sling has streamlined the management of employee groups both small and large. But Sling is more than just a calendar where you list who are working.
Because it’s designed specifically for restaurants, Sling helps you schedule more efficiently by offering suggestions and alerting you when there are conflicts. It’s these kinds of innovations that you need to be aware of in order to keep your business competitive.
On most days, there are just too many things for you to handle effectively. That’s why it’s important to learn to delegate. Start by delegating the less-critical day-to-day chores to trusted employees you know can get the job done. This frees you up to focus on the bigger, more important issues your restaurant will face.
In addition, delegating some of your many tasks to your employees helps them see what is involved in day-to-day operations (transparency) and trains them to take on more responsibility later.
If you want your employees to perform at a high level, you have to perform that way first. You can try to explain it in your employee handbook all you want, but leading by example makes the point crystal clear.
If you want your servers to keep an eye on the dining room and help out if the busboys get behind, show them how it’s done—not in a formal training situation, but every day. If they see you reacting to the needs of the business without being asked, they’ll be more likely to emulate your behavior.
We all make mistakes. It’s just a fact of life. And just because you’re a restaurant manager doesn’t mean you’re somehow exempt. The important part to focus on is not that the mistake occurred in the first place, but what you’re going to do to fix it. This means being accountable for your mistakes, moving past them, and finding a solution.
Take the time during a staff meeting to mention a mistake you made, apologize for it, and then brainstorm with your employees how to prevent such mistakes in the future. This can be a great way to train your staff to exhibit the same behavior.
Working ON the business is perhaps one of the most important tasks on the restaurant manager’s list. It’s drastically different than just working IN the restaurant. Working ON the restaurant is a way to keep it up-to-date, fresh, and functioning over the long haul, not just day-to-day.
Working IN the restaurant, on the other hand, is a way to keep it functioning from open to close. While the latter is important in the short-term, the former is more important in the long-term.
Take the time to examine dining trends, marketing results, and overall business practices. Working ON the business in this way will help keep your restaurant open and successful for years to come.
Everyone needs encouragement now and again. Your employees are no different. Positive reinforcement can go a long way toward making your staff perform at their best. When you celebrate success, your employees see the value of doing a good job and know that you appreciate their efforts.
If you see someone doing a good job or notice how they handled a problem really well, take a moment to pull them aside and commend them. This one-on-one attention can make the employee feel like they’re respected and a valuable member of the team.
Additionally, make it a point to highlight successes at staff meetings so that everyone can learn what constitutes a good job in your restaurant.
Everything that can go wrong in a restaurant will go wrong at one point or another. It’s pretty much a universal law. Because of that, it’s important to develop and strengthen your problem-solving skills so you can handle the myriad emergencies that are an integral part of the restaurant business.
When faced with a problem, figure out the simplest solution that satisfies all parties involved and then execute. Don’t overthink it. You can analyze what you did later. When a problem rears its ugly head, solve it and put it behind you so you can be ready for the next one.
When things have calmed down, take a moment to think about the problem, the way you handled it, and what, if anything, you could have done differently or better. Would planning ahead have kept this problem from happening? Was there a simpler way to handle the problem? How can we avoid this problem in the future?
Analyzing the incident after the fact can help train your problem-solving skills to be more efficient and effective in the future.
Managing a restaurant puts a lot of physical demands on your body. You’re likely going to be up early in the morning to open the restaurant, and still awake late at night to close it down. That in itself can take a toll on your body.
But add in the very real possibility that you may be moving heavy objects (furniture, trays of dishes, crates of food and boxes of supplies) and coping with adrenaline (during the lunch rush and dinner service), and it’s easy to see how a manager’s job can be like one long CrossFit workout.
That’s why it’s so important that you train your body to meet the rigors of the job. Physical stamina is key because you’re going to be on the job for ten to twelve hours (or more). You’re going to be balancing periods of inactivity (deskwork) with periods of activity.
Some of that activity may be rather extreme—rearranging furniture to accommodate a large group, stowing supplies to get them out of the way and ready before the lunch crowd demands service. If you don’t develop your stamina, you’re going to burn out. It’s just that simple.
Take some time out of your busy schedule to get some exercise at least three times a week. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic—a thirty-minute run or a vigorous stair climb will do. The important thing is that you prepare your body to handle the most difficult parts of your job.
Whether you call it customer satisfaction, customer service, customer happiness or customer care, make this value one of your top priorities. Think about all the unpredictable customer interactions you’re going to face during a normal workday:
Diners who mosey in fifteen minutes before closing
Customers who need the food prepared just so because of dietary restrictions
Last-minute, large-group reservations during your prime seating time
A customer who’s unhappy with the food
The list goes on and on and could literally fill a book. And that’s just a normal workday. The stuff you face on an unusual day could have you scratching your head in confusion and amazement.
The way you deal with these situations and scenarios goes a long way toward influencing how customers perceive your restaurant software.
It’s that perception that can have a profound effect on the success or failure of everything you do in the business. The way you deal with your customers also influences how your employees will react when put in a similar position. Your example is what they will draw on when they’re faced with these challenges. As you can see, a lot is riding on your customer service skills.
It may seem like a contradiction in terms, but a great restaurant manager needs to be tough but sensitive, rigid but flexible. You need to set high standards and goals and expect your employees to produce results.
That may mean that you have to push your employees outside their comfort zone once in a while. But that’s really the only way they are going to grow and improve in the restaurant industry. Adversity and challenge breed experience and skill.
But being tough doesn’t mean that you have to forsake sensitivity and flexibility. You can reach your goals and drive your employees to improve while at the same time being sensitive to their needs and flexible to the demands of the situation.
Yes, there will be times when you’re able to concentrate on one thing for an hour or two. But for the most part, your job as a manager is going to demand that you are comfortable with, if not an expert at multitasking.
Your employees are going to be coming to you with questions about all sorts of things. Suppliers are going to be calling to schedule deliveries. Customers are going to want to talk. And that’s just the “people” side of the business.
You’ve got schedules to put together, finances to reconcile, advertising and marketing to arrange…and that’s just the beginning of the list. Your day is filled to overflowing with countless tasks and innumerable interruptions.
You need to be able to give your attention to one task for a period of time, allow yourself to be pulled away to a second task when necessary, and then be proficient enough to step right back into that first task without hesitation.
Thanks for reading this far. Hope, it will help you someway in your restaurant management activities. Best wishes to you!