Majedul Haque Shakil

Majedul Haque Shakil


Majedul Haque Shakil, Technical Content Writer & SEO Expert at Bdtask. He is passionate and dedicated about what he is doing. He loves writing and watching movies. His favorite movie is "Triangle".

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billing system in hospital

Billing System In Hospital: A Guidebook Full Of Solution

Hospital billing is time-consuming and pretty much a challenging process. In the present scenario, every Hospital's mission is to serve the healthcare needs of

how to reduce fleet costs

How To Reduce Fleet Costs: 15 Ways To Raise Profitability

Transportation is the center of the world. Some Industries are dependent on transportation for their day-to-day delivery. So they have had to maintain a

ERP vs CRM: 7 Main Key Differences

ERP vs CRM: 7 Main Key Differences

A continuous fight happens in ERP vs.CRM. Enterprise resource planning and Customer relationship management are both compelling tools. So, Their ultimate goal is the company's

Best Ideas For Fine Dining In Restaurants

13 Best Ideas For Fine Dining In Restaurants

To give the best, true experience of dining in restaurants, "impression" is one of the key terms.

However, To open a new restaurant, you have to

What Is The Role Of ERP In E-Commerce

What Is The Role Of ERP In E-Commerce? - A Detailed Guide

If you are starting an e-commerce business but haven’t yet implemented ERP integration, it's high time to change your business pattern. Every single time when