Riajur Rahman

Riajur Rahman


Riajur Rahman is working as an SEO professional. He has 7+ years of working experience in SEO and digital marketing field. Now, he is performing as a team leader in the SEO Team at Bdtask. Make a strong and energetic team who are working with flexibility to prove themself to the digital world. Riajur loves to research and analysis in digital marketing.

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professional trainee in advanced python with django

Bdtask is looking for Professional Trainee in Advanced Python with Django Framework for Financial Technology.

Bdtask is looking for Professional Trainee in Advanced Python with Django Framework for Financial Technology.

A Joint Venture of Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) Project

Professional Trainee in Cyber Security

Bdtask is Looking for Professional Trainee in Cyber Security

Bdtask is looking for Professional Trainee in Cyber Security

A Joint Venture of Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) Project and Bdtask Limited

- Available Vacancy: 20 -

professional trainer in python

Bdtask Is Looking For Professional Trainer In Python With Django Framework for Fintech

Bdtask is looking for Professional Trainer in Python with Django framework

A Joint Venture of Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) Project and Bdtask Limited

- Days:

Cybersecurity Trainers

Bdtask is Seeking Dedicated and Experienced Cybersecurity Trainers

Bdtask is seeking dedicated and experienced Cybersecurity Trainers.  A Joint Venture of Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) Project and Bdtask Limited.

Training Schedule and Duration: - 03

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Free Blockchain and Cyber Security Training in Bangladesh | Bdtask & EDGE Project

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Importance Of Guest Satisfaction In Hotel Industry

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Advantage of Hospital Management System Software

Nowadays, system thinking and business processes in the hospital management system have become the philosophy of industry management. The healthcare support industry is the