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Fingerprint Attendance Machine: Guide of Benefits & Features

By Mahmuda Akter Isha Last Updated -- Tuesday, 2022-04-12
Fingerprint Attendance Machine

Do you have a business organization? Want to automate the time tracking activities? Undoubtedly, you must need a fingerprint attendance machine for your organization. Curious to learn about fingerprint attendance machines? Don’t panic! Just take time and go through this article. 

In this article, you will get a brief explanation that will assist you to explore why a biometric attendance system will be essential for your organization. Also, you can understand how a fingerprint attendance machine will work for your business through its significant features.

A fingerprint attendance machine can be able to record data, basically in and out the timing of each employee. Moreover, it can be replaced the manual register system in many offices and save time for both owners and employees. Thus, the fingerprint attendance system can provide an automated data recording system to maintain employee attendance.                

Why a Fingerprint Attendance Machine is Essential for Your Organization?

A fingerprint attendance machine is one of the blessings of technological development. To record your employee’s in and out time smartly, you must make it automated. In this regard, the concept of a biometric attendance system is developed.

The main purpose of a biometric attendance system is to track employees' daily attendance in a systematic manner. Moreover, it uses each employee's biometric information to keep track of their in and out time throughout working hours. Also, it has some additional importance for any organization, these are discussed in the following section. 

Accurate time Tracking

A biometric attendance system can reduce manual errors. It can provide an accurate time tracking system that will keep track of employees’ in and out timing. Moreover, you can track the number of employees simultaneously without any errors. 

This is a significant advantage of a biometric attendance system, and the impact of time theft should not be underestimated. Even if your employees aim to be upright and honorable, people are fallible, and there may be instances of unintentional time theft.  

Simplify Payroll Operations

The fingerprint attendance machine can be able to automate the overall payroll calculation. Since verifying and compiling payroll can be a hard, time-consuming, and costly operation, depending on the present way of recording employee hours. 

To resolve such kinds of difficulties, biometric attendance systems can turn this service into an automated process with no added expense and accuracy comparable to the original tracking services. So, you can easily conduct the overall payment management by collecting data from it. 

Enhance Accountability

Although there is no longer a need for manual attendance, institutions have had problems with it in the past. When they had to manually take attendance, it will be very time-consuming and to do this you required additional staff. However, human activities are necessary, manual attendance is not error-free.

There is no avoiding the truth that accountability is required at the very least in order to award suitable penalties and rewards accurately and consistently. So, it can be able to determine when someone takes an excessively lengthy break, arrives late or leaves early, or fails to appear at all swiftly and reliably.   

Raise Employee Satisfaction

You can build a transparent time tracking system to integrate the fingerprint attendance machine with your HRM software. This biometric attendance machine can be able to identify lazy employees. As a result, you can consult with them and motivate them to give a better outcome. 

Moreover, you can easily find out the potential employees that will help you to reward them. Also, you can apply a better approach to punish or reward your employees based on their performance.         

Ensure High-Level Security

You can easily verify your employees without any physical contact. Also, the biometric attendance systems can help to keep infections at bay in your workplace. It allows you to make reasonable to deploy biometric devices that can scan employees' irises and faces.

Moreover, you can identify time-related issues by capturing real-time data of your employees. So, it will help to establish a business culture by demonstrating that bad behavior has consequences that can deter the next individual from trying the same thing.

HRM Software 

How Does a Fingerprint Attendance Machine Work?

To get a better outcome from a fingerprint attendance machine, you need to integrate it with human resource management software

Moreover, the biometric attendance system can be able to read human fingerprint data and store it. When a unique person comes and puts his finger on the device, this machine will not get any identity of this person and declare them as unauthorized. So, the fingerprint attendance machine can determine whether the person is allowed to access the area or not. 

In this regard, you need to conduct the following steps to get an optimum outcome from a biometric attendance system. 

Step 1: Install HRM Attendance Scheduler App

First, you need to install the HRM attendance scheduler app. In this regard, you can purchase the HR Manager software. This software provides this exclusive add-on which will assist you to conduct the overall operation to keep a record and store all attendance-related data of your employees.

This HRM app can send data automatically from the biometric device to the server. It can assist you to send data to the server every hour. However, your computer needs to be powered on for syncing attendance data per hour.

Installation Process of HRM Attendance Scheduler App

To install the HRM Attendance Scheduler App, you need to follow the given steps. 

  • After purchasing this add-on, you have to install it into your “C://” drive. Thus, you need to choose the directory and click on the “Next” button. After that, you have to click on the Install button to start the installation process. 

Installation Process of HRM Attendance Scheduler App

  • After completing the installation process, you have to run the HRM app. In this regard, you need to go to the directory where the “HRM App” is installed. Now, you have to search for the “hrm.exe” file. 

After that click on the right button of the mouse and create a shortcut. Paste the shortcut file on “Desktop”. To run the app automatically when the computer starts up, press on Windows + R keys on the keyboard, then type "shell: startup” on the run box. Then, press enters and paste a shortcut on the startup directory as well.

  • Finally, you can see the interface of the HRM Attendance Scheduler App. Now, you need to click on the Next button.

HRM attendance scheduler app  

By following these steps, you can complete your installation process. Now, you need to connect the fingerprint attendance machine with your HRM Attendance Scheduler App. 

Step 2: Connect Fingerprint Attendance Machine with App

In this step, you have to connect your biometric attendance device with the HRM Attendance Scheduler App. 

  • you enter “Purchase Key" in the first field and “Base URL” in the second field. “Base URL” is the URL where the HRM software is installed.

Connect fingerprint attendance machine with app step-2-1 


All fields will be validated and if the user input all information correctly, then only can head to the next page, otherwise have to stay on the same page.

  • After that, you have to provide your fingerprint attendance machine’s information. In this regard, you can use ZKTeco F18 Fingerprint Attendance Machine. Thus, you need to enter your ZKTeco biometric attendance machine information.

Connect fingerprint attendance machine with app step-2-2

You can provide the Device IP address and Port No to configure the entire system. After that, you have to click on the Save button to complete the configuration. Now, the app will send data to the server automatically per hour.

  • If you want to add employee data to ZKTeco device, you can enter that employee id and press the Save button. In this way, the employee information will be set to the ZKTeco device from the server. You can also delete data from ZKTeco in the same way.

Connect fingerprint attendance machine with app step2-3

  • Finally, you can grab the Employee ID from HRM Application and use this ID to set or delete employee information from the ZKTeco device.

Connect fingerprint attendance machine with app step-2-5

Key Features of a Fingerprint Attendance Machine

If you integrate the ZKTeco fingerprint attendance device, you will get real-time data about your organization. The most significant feature of the ZKTeco fingerprint attendance machine is that it allows you to send the data to the live server directly. Otherwise, you have to send the data to the local server. 

As a result, you can not track your employees from anywhere and anytime. Also, the biometric attendance machine has some additional features. These features will assist you to provide an organized system to manage your workforce effectively. So, look into these features to explore more about the biometric attendance machine.      

Adequate Capacity

If you choose ZKTeco biometric attendance device, you can store 30,000 transactions and 3000 fingerprint templates. Thus, it can be able to verify, store, and analyze a large number of biometric data.  

When it comes to keeping track of the attendance and time of hundreds or thousands of employees, it's critical to find an attendance system that can handle your needs. A larger capacity will also allow for the recruitment of more personnel and the expansion of locations in the future.

Internet & USB Connectivity

You must need to ensure internet connectivity with your system to transfer the data to the HRM software and payroll management. In this regard, the sensor can be able to transfer the data to the HR software and payroll system. Thus, you have to ensure internet connectivity to keep your attendance system smooth, updated, and bug-free.

Another significant feature of a biometric attendance system is USB connectivity. In this regard, you need to connect your fingerprint attendance machine with the USB that will assist you in backup up data quickly using an external storage device. 

Data Backup System

You will get two types of fingerprint attendance machines: Wired and Wireless. However, you will get a data backup system that will assist you to protect your employees’ attendance data.     

Wireless devices are powered by an internal battery, while wired devices are connected to a power supply via wires. Look for devices with a secondary battery backup, regardless of kind, so that they can continue to operate in the event of a power outage.

Durability and Consistency 

You will get enough durability and ruggedness through a fingerprint attendance machine. Biometric attendance machines must be durable and long-lasting because they will be used frequently and will be an important part of an organization's operation. 

Moreover, fingerprint attendance devices are manufactured of high-quality materials and include cutting-edge technology, ensuring that they will operate reliably and efficiently for years to come.  

Integrated with Payroll Management System

The fingerprint attendance machine allows you to connect it with the payroll management system. The data from biometric time trackers is critical for enhancing payroll management systems’ efficiency.

Moreover, it is easier for the payroll team to compute employee compensation fast and properly with reliable attendance data. So, a biometric system that can efficiently manage employee payroll data, attendance, and time tracking should be made possible.  

Access Controlling System

The fingerprint attendance system can control the user’s access. Biometric attendance systems can be used for security purposes as well as time tracking. Moreover, it can identify prohibited non-authorized people from entering restricted areas of the facility.

So, it can be able to identify authorized users that will ensure the safety and security of your system. As well as, you can protect your organization from any threats and bugs through the biometric attendance system.

360-degree Verification System

You can build a 360-degree user verification system that will monitor when the employees are punching in and out. Moreover, the biometric attendance machine can be able to identify an employee’s fingerprint quickly.

Features of ZKTeco Fingerprint Attendance Machine

There is various biometric attendance device available in the marketplace. But if you choose the ZKTeco attendance machine, you will get some exclusive features. These are:

  • Allows to store 30,000 transactions and 3000 fingerprint templates
  • Provides built-in USB for manual data transfer
  • Integrated with TCP/IP or RS485 network interface
  • Conduct user’s recognition is less than 1 second
  • Incorporated with Ethernet and serial ports
  • Developed by advanced 10.1 algorithms for precision and reliability
  • Provides three interface styles - matrix, magic, and common
  • Fingerprints accepted or rejected with audio-visual indication
  • Provides access controlling interface for third-party alarm, exit button, electric lock
  • Does not require a computer for functioning
  • Integrated with Wiegand output and input 

Wrap Up

Now, you can easily choose a fingerprint attendance machine for your organization. By integrating a biometric attendance machine you can upgrade your workforce. Also, this system can provide the opportunity to monitor the entire system for improving the overall flow of your company.

So, it will save you time and effort when it comes to spreadsheets and manual clock-ins and clock-outs. It will also make managing employee data and keeping your employees satisfied much easier.

HRM Software

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