Objectives Of Human Resource Management System

This section will highlight all the main goals of integrating HRMS software in your organisation. The most general objective of having human resource software is to ensure a flawless working environment & experience for all the employees associated with the organisational goal.

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Reaching Organisational Goals

Data Analysis and Compliance

Healthy Working Culture

Team Collaboration

Training & Development

Employee Motivation

Workforce Empowerment

Employee Retention

Key Features of HRMS Software

HRMS software is the best solution for managing the human capital of any organisation. Because human resources software has lots of excellent time-saving features, in this section, we will point out those features:

Attendance Form & Log

Attendance Form & Log

Department Management

Department Management

Performance Appraisal Record

Performance Appraisal Record

Record Of Leave Application

Record Of Leave Application

Notice Board For Employees

Notice Board For Employees

Year-wise Award system

Year-wise Award system

Power Pack Recruitment Tool

Power Pack Recruitment Tool

Rules Setup

Rules Setup

Point Setting

Point Setting

Mobile App Setting

Mobile App Setting

Employee Salary Management

Employee Salary Management

Project Management

Project Management

HRMS Software Will Be Your Organization Data Warehouse

Employee Personal & Performance Data

Employee Personal & Performance Data

Only with HRMS software can HR create & record all the essential details about an employee in the employee profile module.

Recruiters Data

Recruiters Data

With human resource software, HR can record the recruiters' resumes, the recruitment process, results, interview dates, and performance.

Project Data

Project Data

Because of the human resource management system, HR can stay notified about the in-house or client projects and their deadlines.

Employee Report Data

Employee Report Data

Employee reports will include all employees' financial, security tax, attendance, leave, contribution, payroll & performance history.

Modules Of Human Resource Management System

HRMS software is full of excellent modules, which help make all the tasks easier for an HR. With the assistance of a human capital management system, an HR can operate the entire system smoothly and bug-free.

Dynamic Dashboard

With the help of this module, HR can get updated all at once about the operation and employees. Moreover, assist in staying updated about total employees, present/absent employees, and leave employees. All the reports are showcased graphically for clearer understanding.

So, this module showcased:

  • Daily attendance report
  • Notice Board
  • Loan payment/Received report
  • Monthly employee awarded report
  • Monthly recruitment report
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Dynamic Dashboard

Payroll Management

Using this module, an HR can maintain all the employees' salary-related activities. Moreover, HR can add, manage and set up the range of salary.

Submodule of Payroll system:

  • Salary Advance
  • Salary Generate
  • Manage Employee Salary
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Payroll Management

Employee Attendance Management

With this module, an HR can manage the whole attendance system single-handedly. Here, HR can check the monthly attendance report of each employee.

Also, HR can easily identify the missing employee on any date by using the missing attendance option. Moreover, using this module, HR can keep updated about the overall date-wise attendance of each employee.

Submodule of Employee Attendance Management:

  • Attendance Form
  • Monthly Attendance
  • Missing Attendance
  • Lateness and early closing
  • Attendance Log
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Employee Attendance Management

Employee leave management

Through this module, HR can manage leave applications all at once. Also, HR has the authority to add any leave type as well as instruct any holidays or weekly holidays.

Submodule of Employee Leave Management

  • Manage holiday
  • Manage weekly holiday
  • Manage leave application
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Employee leave management

Employee Management

The employee management module helps HR manage or add any employee to the organisation's track record. HR can use this module to record the promotion/ demotion graph, and performance of an employee, so that at year-end it gets easier to evaluate that employee.

Submodule of Employee Management

  • Promotion & demotion track
  • Add Employee
  • Manage Employee
  • Employee Performance
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Employee Management

Project Management

In this module, HR will keep a record of all the project-related information such as project deadlines, team working, client information and many more. So that at the year-end, both the management team and HR can evaluate correctly.

Submodule Of Project Management

  • Clients details
  • Projects status
  • Manage Tasks
  • Project Lists
  • Team Member involved
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Project Management

Procurement Management

Through this module, an HR can stay updated about all the procurement items needed or received by the organisation. Using this module an HR can easily “request for” procurement for the organisation.

Submodule Of Procurement Management

  • Request
  • Quotation
  • Bid Analysis
  • Purchase Order List
  • Good Received
  • Vendors details
  • Committees
  • Units
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Procurement Management

Automated Report Management

With this module, HR can get all types of reports generated automatically with accuracy. This module helps to generate reports on a daily and monthly basis.

Submodule of Report management

  • Attendance Report
  • Leave Report
  • Employee Reports
  • Payroll
  • Adhoc Report
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Automated Report Management

Accounting Management System

The human resource management system comprises an excellent accounts system which has a chart of account sections, a balance adjustment section, cash and bank adjustment, add any payment type. Besides, using this module HR can create different types of vouchers such as a debit voucher, credit vouchers, contra vouchers, and journal vouchers easily and accurately.

Submodule Of Accounting Management System

  • Chart of account
  • Balance adjustment
  • Cash adjustment
  • Types of payment
  • Different kinds of voucher
  • Overall account report
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Accounting Management System

Integrate with Human Resource Management App

The most important advantage of this software is that you can use it on any type of smart device. Moreover, you can operate the entire system anytime and anywhere. So, using this feature, you can operate the system easily and smoothly.

To learn details about this, please visit our app section.

Working Process Of Cloud Kitchen Software

A Pocket-Friendly Automation App Add-on for HR Manager

HRMS software will be automation assistance when an HR manager is at your desk. However, through an integration of HRMS software app add-ons, an HR manager can create a strong impact on your operation from anywhere. The most important advantage of a Human Resource Management App is that an HR can use it on any type of smart device.

And also can operate the entire system anytime and from anywhere. So, using this feature, you can operate the system easily and smoothly.Our HRMS software App is available on both Android & iOS. This app is for those who are already using HRMS software.

Android App
Easy to scan QR code attendance
Push notification system
Provides important notice facility
Provides accurate ledger history
Monitoring & tracking activities
Generates attendance history
Generates hourly punch history
Creates employee profile
Check demo apps
Creates employee profile
Scan QR code attendance easily
Provides hourly punch history
Provides accurate ledger history
Monitoring & tracking activities
Provides attendance history
Gives notification facility
Provides important notice facility
Check demo apps

For Custom Work

Not satisfied with our combo packages??? No worries!!

We also offer the option for customization, where our developer will build your dream Human Resource Management Software from “Top to Bottom”.


Do not hesitate to reach out to us for custom projects and other inquiries.

  • Email [email protected]
  • Skype: bdtask
  • Whatsapp: +8801830701422
  • Telegram: +8801857675727

FAQ-Frequently Asked Question

HRMS Software or Human Resource Management system, is an automation technology solution that helps organisations manage various HR functions and operational activities. It automates processes related to employee management, recruitment, payroll, performance evaluation, and more.

The Human Resource Management system streamlines HR processes, reduces manual tasks, enhances data accuracy, improves compliance, and provides valuable insights into workforce performance. It helps organisations save time and resources while promoting better employee management.

Key Features Of HRMS Software Which To Get Benefit An HR Manager
  • Employee Database Management
  • Attendance Tracking
  • Recruitment And Onboarding Tools
  • Performance Management
  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Processing
  • Benefits Administration
  • Reporting Capabilities

While Human resource management software is designed to be user-friendly, some training may be necessary to ensure that users can make the most of its features. Many vendors provide training resources, tutorials, and customer support to assist with implementation and usage.

When selecting Human capital software, every organisation should consider factors such as the specific needs of their workforce, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, data security, and the reputation of the software provider. Conducting a thorough evaluation and, if possible, testing the software through a trial period can help make an informed decision.

Yes, many HRMS solutions are designed to accommodate remote and distributed workforces. Features such as self-service portals, online document management, and virtual collaboration tools contribute to effective HR management in remote work scenarios.

Reputable HRMS providers prioritise data security. They implement measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular security updates to safeguard sensitive employee information. Organisations should choose HRMS vendors with a strong commitment to data security and compliance.

Many Human capital management solutions offer customization options to adapt to the unique requirements of different organisations. This may involve configuring workflows, and data fields, or integrating the system with other enterprise software.

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