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10 Unique Restaurant Interior Design Ideas 2024: The Key Aspects To Attract Customer

By Sumaiya Simran Last Updated -- Tuesday, 2024-07-09
Restaurant Interior Design Ideas

While starting a restaurant business, we often ignore the discussion about restaurant interior design ideas. Because we feel restaurant interior design is the least essential part of a restaurant business plan. Unfortunately, restaurant decoration ideas are equally crucial as the food’s taste and restaurant management system. 

Most of us subconsciously ignore the restaurant decoration ideas and also don’t include them in the restaurant business plan chart. But the interesting fact is that restaurant interior & ambiance plays a significant factor in influencing the customers’ psychology & brain to stay in the restaurant for an extended period and order more. 

When a restaurant’s interior & ambient gives your customer a promising comfortable vibe, naturally, the customers make your restaurant a regular hangout or go-to place. 

Restaurant interior design also includes; table placement, lighting position, the volume of music, architecture, etc. Restaurant Interior design works like a magnet; it pulls the new customers and psychologically webs them into regular customers.  

Does The Restaurant Interior Impact The Restaurant Sales?

Yes, creative restaurant interior design does play a major role and does impact hugely on restaurant sales. 

And Why Won’t It ??? 

When you are offering a nice, cozy ambiance, with a comfortable seating arrangement, consecutively, your customers will automatically make your restaurant a regular go-to place; because they found a peace and comfort zone to enjoy a great time in your restaurant. 

In addition to carefully selected lighting and comfortable furniture, incorporating polished floors for aesthetic appeal can further enhance the overall ambiance and visual allure of the restaurant space. This, along with other design elements, can contribute to a positive customer experience and create a lasting impression.

Restaurant's interior decoration also works as a marketing tactic for the restaurant business. It's the first thing that a customer is gonna notice after entering the restaurant;  develop a perceived knowledge about the level of service and food taste, and simultaneously pre-set the mind; whether or not to come to the restaurant again. 

Hence make the first impression the best impression. It can naturally work as a secret weapon to leave a strong footprint in the customer's mind—the perfect way to grab the customers' attention and develop a strong position in customer psychology. 

Why Do You Need to Keep a Separate Budget for Restaurant Interior Construction?

Yes, a huge budget would be required for constructing and decorating your restaurant. Some secondary sources have suggested that, if you're a USA-based restaurant you might need at least $51000 to $300000 per 600 square feet

Here is a number of reasons why you should keep a separate budget for restaurant interior design:

  • Restaurant interior design helps to sharpen your brand recognition and strategy 
  • Make sure your culinary match with the brightness and placement of the lights
  • A creative Restaurant interior design also works as a tool for marketing your restaurant 
  • A psychological game to manipulate customers to stay longer and order more. 

10 Breathtaking Ideas For Your Restaurant Interior Design 2024

Restaurant interior design influences many different factors such as your location, theme, and of course the food menu. There is no specific rule book to follow for selecting or designing your restaurant. 

On the other hand, some small restaurant owners think restaurant decoration is optional or a waste of money; according to them; foods' taste and restaurant billing system are a restaurant's real asset. A unique, comfortable and creative restaurant interior design helps you to retain the customers faster.

Here is some effective suggestive interior design for your restaurant:

1. Sketch A Blueprint Or Build A Demo Layout 

Blueprint layout of restaurant interior

Photo courtesy:

Just like you plan before starting a restaurant business, it’s also mandatory to have some rough sketch or build a mini sculpture of your restaurant interior design. Because it gives you a chance to calculate an estimated budget and an overview expense.

In addition, how your restaurant is gonna look, what kind of furniture you are going to need and in what measurement, the decoration of the entrance, the colour of the wall, measurement of the dine-in, bathroom, billing counter, and kitchen space, etc. 

2. Unique And Classy Entrance

Entrance idea of restaurant

The entrance gate is the most crucial part of your restaurant, the very first thing the customer will cross while entering the restaurant. Make sure your restaurant entrance gate gives a welcoming, warm vibe, and the entrance guard should be trained enough to show the direction of the dine-in space and hold the door for the guest’s convenience. 

On the other hand, restaurant brand logos or banners should be bold and visible, so that they can be easily noticeable from the road. The entrance gate should be decorated with the restaurant logo symbol sticker so that potential customers can easily find your restaurant.

3. Choose Perfect Comfortable Furniture

Furniture for restaurant

Furniture or seating arrangement is another crucial part of a restaurant. Seating arrangements shouldn't be like that where customers will feel uncomfortable or uneasy while eating their food. Also, tables shouldn't be so small; that if any customers order more, she/he doesn't get space to keep the food. 

The question may raise; "how will a restaurant owner understand that a customers' isn't comfortable with the seat??"  

seating arrangement of a restaurant


After dine-in, observe the consumers; how often do the customers change their seats? Or what kind of sitting arrangement do they ask for?

Table set-up is also a vital part of restaurant interior design, therefore trying to keep a correct balance for any number of group customers; for instance: "table for two", "table for four”. Also arrange the table set up in such a way, so that six-member can freely dine-in on a table-for-four table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

4. Create Mood With Lighting

Light setting of restaurant
Lighting is another crucial part, which hugely contributes to the restaurant interior and creates a mood of customer & environment of the restaurant. Before choosing the lighting for your restaurant, brainstorm what kind of mood or ambient you want to set or create; while your customers’ dine.

On the other hand, before deciding the brightness or the type of light you're going to use to decorate your restaurant, first determine the menu list. Because the mode of lighting hugely matters and complements the food and hence generates a mood in the customer's mind due to the fluences to stay longer and order more. 

Three Kinds Of Restaurant Lighting For Restaurant Decoration Themes: 

  • Ambient Light

Ambient light for restaurant interior

Photo courtesy:

Choose the mode of light which will complement your menu and generate a relaxing mood. For instance, fine-dine or coffee restaurants usually complement dim light, but snacks, burgers or pizza, etc., complement bright light.

  • Task Light: 

Task light for restaurant interior

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This light usually stays in the mode of highest to medium brightness because this light is used to perform the task. This light aims to assist the customers in reading the menu card and waiters to serve the food to the correct customer.

  • Accent Light: 

Accent light restaurant interior

Photo courtesy:

This is light which is only used for decoration purposes but make sure you don't overdo it because it might kill the mood of the restaurant interior design. 

5. Wisely Choose the Colour of Wall, That Will Compliment Food And Lighting

Color of Wall for Restaurant

Some might think, does the colour complexation of a restaurant’s wall even matter??. After all, the main objective of a person to visit a restaurant is to spend a great time along with great food and fast service. 

In addition, it might help a person to convert their mood to sudden-boost and they feel refreshed and relaxed after entering the restaurant if the colour of the wall of a restaurant is light and refreshing.
Some of the secondary sources have suggested that; “colour of the wallcan solely influence up to 90% and develop up to a solid first impression in the customer’s minds. 

On the other hand, the restaurant's colour and lighting contribute a lot to creating or enhancing the mood and affect the buying behaviour and decision-making power. 

After all, different colours set a different mindset and emotion; for instance, red and orange indicate the potent stimulant; yellow or purple brings out the brightness in a restaurant, which psychologically increases the appetite and influences the customer to order more.

6. Pick A Theme And Give The Restaurant A Story

Theme for Restaurant

Picking a theme for your restaurant will help you tell a story to the customer and make them enjoy it while dining. Customers will relish not only the food and fast billing service but also the restaurant ambient. 

You have to keep in mind that the theme you will choose for your restaurant isn’t just a theme. It’s recognition, developing a brand image to a mass audience, and also a culture you’re showcasing to attract your targeted customers.

10 PHO NOM from Susan

Photo courtesy:

Restaurant theme design also plays a significant contribution in deciding the menu items you’re gonna serve to your customers. For instance, if you choose an Italian theme for your restaurant, you have to consecutively maintain a touch of Italian food/ drinks in your menu card. 

Here Is Some Theme Suggestion For Your Restaurant: 

  • Typography: Typography is an art technique using alphabetic words, written in bold or marquee graphic, diagram, or chart. 

typography therme for restaurant interior ideas

Photo courtesy:

  • Graffiti or Street Art: It’s local art, done for public visibility at public locations, and can be used for marketing strategy. 

graffiti or street art theme for restaurant

Photo courtesy:

  • Eco-Friendly: Outdoor restaurants or restaurants support eco-friendly and tree plantation agenda and support global warming.   

eco friendly interior theme for restaurant

Photo courtesy:

  • Theme Based: Movie, Game, Series: Can give a trendy movie, game, or series touch to your restaurant theme. 

movie,game,series based theme for restaurnt interior ideas  


  • Minimalism or Vintage Classic Theme: decorated with the simple wall color, and used natural material, and gave a minimalist vibe from this type of theme, 

Minimalism or vintage classic theme for restaurant interior

Photo courtesy:

  • Location-Based Design: Restaurant that is inspired by the located geographical location 

location based restuarant interior design

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7. Balance-Out The Music And Volume

Music system for restaurant interior


Indeed, we all know music calms our nerves; as a result, I considered music a vital part of making the restaurant ambient, comfy, refreshing and relaxing. Most restaurant owners think; a music system is an unnecessary equipment for the restaurant business, but in reality, it’s a must-have object in your restaurant. 

Music system for restaurant

The music system in a restaurant not only makes customers not think about the stressful day but also helps to pass the time after placing the order. 

On the other hand, music does help to cover up the customers’ conversation being overheard by another customer. In addition, the volume range also matters in creating a nice and calm ambient and developing the mood and the customer’s buying behaviour.

8. A Clean And Hygienic Washroom

Clean and hygienic retaurant

Another important point to consider while designing a restaurant is interior design. A washroom is one of the essential factors in a restaurant and so as maintaining it. Because a dirty and unhygienic washroom might hamper your restaurant business reputation and also brand image.

dirty washroom of restaurant

Photo courtesy:

Let's consider a situation; suppose you invested so much money in decorating your restaurant, but you forget about the restroom. As a result, there's a high chance that you not only lose the new arrival satisfaction towards your brand but can lose the loyal customer. 

A clean and hygienic restaurant washroom may set a positive customer experience and will be able to illustrate a hygienic brand image to a greater extent. 

9. Restaurant Ventilation 

restaurant ventilation system

Photo courtesy:

While constructing your restaurant, you need to keep a certain space for the restaurant ventilation. After all, restaurant ventilation is one vital part of a restaurant kitchen, to keep the raw material fresh and healthy, creates a safe place for food preparation, and helps drain out the unnecessary polluted gas from the kitchen. 

Restaurant ventilation system

Let me share some of the practical benefits of having restaurant ventilation in your restaurant kitchen: 

  • Cleansing path to improve the air quality inside the kitchen and the restaurant 
  • Maintain a cool temperature in the kitchen and restaurant and also keep the consistency of cooler air from outside.
  • Reduce the toxic and polluted odour from the dine-in or kitchen space.

10. Kitchen: Motherboard Of The Restaurant

Kitchen of restaurant

Kitchen, the lifeline, and motherboard of your restaurant; therefore need to make some extra effort; while designing the kitchen area of your restaurant.

The kitchen is the place where the food is going to cook, hence bright task lights are needed with good kitchen ventilation facilities and also need to have sufficient space to walk or move properly.  

Investment On Restaurant Interior Design = Play With The Customer’s Mind


Most restaurant owners think investing in restaurant design is a waste of money and the taste of the food and fast POS billing is the only way to attract and retain more customers. 

Not my words!! But many studies have shown some strong statistics, proving that interior design hugely impacts the customer’s mind+brain and influences them to stay longer. 

After all, when a customer enters your restaurant, he/she gets to introduce the restaurant’s comfortable and elegant restaurant interior, which will consecutively help to erase the stress and create a refreshment in the customers’ mind. Right restaurant interior design brings out the right customer. 

High Chance!! High-Time!!

Improve Your Restaurant Interior Design

Nice ambient, comfy furniture, relaxing brightness mode with the right volume of calming music; this is all you need to attract new and retain your targeted customer. When a new customer finds a comfortable zone in your restaurants, he/she, again and again, will desire to come back. 

Food is a substance, which more or less everyone wants to consume comfortably and with satisfaction. And suppose customers don’t get proper surroundings to satisfy their hunger and aren't able to spend a great time with their companions. In that case, it will absolutely become for the restaurant owner to retain the customers. 

And one thing is constant: that people always search for a place where they can have a satisfying meal with a comfortable sitting arrangement

Restaurant Management Software An Significant Part Of Restaurant Interior Design 

Restaurant POS billing system

As having an eye-catchy restaurant interior design is important for a restaurant, a fast restaurant billing system is also mandatory. 

A restaurant billing system is also a restaurant management software. A restaurant management software is a management solution for restaurant businesses. Smart technology in your restaurant not only enhances internal customer satisfaction but also externally stimulates the restaurant's brand reputation and image. 

Kitchen Display System: Part Of Restaurant Kitchen Interior Design 

kitchen display system

The kitchen display system is one of the crucial systems for managing the customers’ orders and assisting the kitchen head chef to keep updated on all the incoming orders. In short, KDS can take your restaurant’s kitchen one step ahead to the advancement and faster customer satisfaction.  

In addition, the kitchen display system is also interrelated with restaurant POS billing systems. As a result, whenever an order's payment gets confirmed, the order will automatically convert into a kitchen ordering ticket and will automatically shift to the kitchen display system and the head chef will receive it and start cooking. 

Final Thought

In the final stage of this blog, I would like to suggest to you; it’s totally up to you; whether or not you interior your restaurant design. Interiors your restaurant with creativity is never a loss investment, it is an investment or a scheme to gain more customers.

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